Technical engineers have found a new way of employment in the field of energy certification and performing energy audits of buildings

In the period from 17.11. to 20.11.2020. The online training program in the field of energy certification and energy audits of buildings with simple technical systems (MODULE 1) as well as with complex technical systems (MODULE 2) for architectural and electrical engineers is being held.

As one of the responses to COVID19 nLogic Advisory recognized the possibility of expanding the portfolio of technical engineers, and received the Authorization of the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning to implement training and development programs for mechanical, electrical, architectural and civil engineers.

By attending and completing these trainings, the mentioned engineers will expand their activities in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, and provide engineering services through the development of legally prescribed obligations.

Lecturers in all training programs are experts in the field of architecture, construction, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering, ie experienced designers and experts who have many successful projects, energy audits and certificates, and are recognized experts in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in BiH. and beyond.

“Currently, MODULE 1 and MODULE 2 are attended by over thirty participants, and by the decision of the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning, the training program is implemented entirely online, all in order to protect the health of participants and lecturers,” said Zina Jusic, head of education at nLogic Advisory.

Candidates who successfully complete the Training Program obtain a Certificate of Successful Completion of the Training Program, which qualifies them as an expert who performs energy audits and / or energy certification of buildings with simple or complex technical systems and enters the register of certified auditors and certifiers.

All these activities are prescribed by the Law on Energy Efficiency in the FBiH (“Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH”, No. 22/17), or accompanying regulations and ordinances, as well as cantonal laws on spatial planning.

New dates for the Training Program will be published soon on the website


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